Hygiene and Safety

Afraid of the den­tist? Not any more! Not with the lat­est in gen­tle treat­ment meth­ods and cer­tain­ly not in such a mod­ern, bright and cheery prac­tice . Here the pa­tient is king and can feel good all around. In this re­cent­ly ren­o­vat­ed prac­tice, clear, bright colours and a re­fresh­ing trans­paren­cy makes a visit to the or­thodon­tist much eas­i­er to get through.

And a lit­tle ten­der lov­ing care was also given to the very basis of it all: the state-of-the-art, seam­less re­ac­tive resin floor­ing sys­tem from Si­likal. The floor coat­ing with mil­lime­tre-sized coloured flakes in green, yel­low and white which are strewn into the resin un­der­scores the care­free mood the den­tal of­fice was in­tend­ed to con­vey.

Es­pe­cial­ly im­por­tant for the smooth daily op­er­a­tion of a den­tal prac­tice is the ex­cel­lent dura­bil­i­ty of such a floor­ing sys­tem. The floor has to hold up under a whole range of dif­fi­cult con­di­tions, among them the con­stant rolling of our chairs back and forth across the floor. The even sur­faces make all this rolling both trou­ble-free and even plea­sur­able. The com­ings-and go­ings of so many pa­tients leave as few traces on the floor as the small­er “ac­ci­dents” in the lab where spe­cial­ists work with plas­tics for mak­ing braces. Even if some of them do fall on the floor there are no long-term con­se­quences to fear be­cause Si­likal floors, which by the way can usu­al­ly be put down quick­ly and with­out any in­ter­rup­tion to daily op­er­a­tions, are ex­treme­ly re­sis­tant to many al­ka­lis, greas­es, salts, acids, tinc­tures and so­lu­tions of var­i­ous kinds.